The Well-Socialized Dog
There’s a lot of talk about having a "well socialized dog" but what does that mean? Ask a dozen different dog owners and you’ll get a dozen

Educating Children About Dogs
Having a dog as a pet can be one of the cornerstones of a happy childhood, as the friendship of a dog can positively shape a child's world.

Harmful Foods For Your Dog
After reading an article about dog obesity problems in the UK it reminded me that dog obesity problems are due to more than just a lack of e

The Problem With Punishment (Part 1)
When using aversives as punishment for undesirable behaviour, there are a number of negative consequences that could potentially occur.

People Don't Praise Their Dogs Enough
Sometimes it's really hard not to generalize, but I do feel the need to generalize right now by saying, "People don't praise their dogs...

BSL - Breed Specific Legislation
Breed-specific legislation (commonly referred to as BSL) is a law or ordinance that is passed to impose regulations on specific dog...